
EMRS School Details

Eklavya Model Residentional Schools Details

The Government of India, Ministry of Welfare has been releasing funds under Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India for the purpose of setting up of residential schools for classes 6 to 12 for Tribal Students. Ministry of Tribal Affairs has acively initiated various efforts to make more Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) funtional. As a result seven EMRS are sanctioned for Tamilnadu. All the seven schools are functioning now. The details given below:

S.No district Place School Name Establishment No. of Students No. of Boys No. of Girls
1 Villupuram Chinnasalem Vellimalai, Eklavya Model Residential Boys Hr.Sec.School 17.7.1998 395 395 -
2 Salem Pethanaicken palayam Abinavam, Eklavya Model Residential Girls Hr.Sec. School 1.6.2006 428 - 428
3 Nilgiris M.Palada Abinavam, Eklavya Model Residential Hr.Sec. School 1.9.2016 159 81 78
4 Tiruvannamalai Kalasapakkam Athipet, Eklavya Model Residential Hr.Sec. School 25.10.2016 180 95 85
5 Vellore Tirupattur Athanavor, Eklavya Model Residential Hr.Sec. School 12.7.2017 140 55 85
6 Namakkal Sengarai Sengarai, Eklavya Model Residential Hr.Sec. School 5.10.2017 125 103 22
7 Kancheepuram Tiruporur Pattipulam, Eklavya Model Residential Hr.Sec. School 25.6.2018 71 38 33
Total Student Strength 1498 767 731

Examination Result:

Results of these schools have been generally better than other Government schools in the tribal areas. Average pass percentage of students in Class Xth and XIIth in these EMRS is above 90%. Many EMRS students have been reported to be faring well in higher studies and competitive examinations.

SSLC and HSC Examination Results (2014 to 2018)

S.No District EMRS School Name Year SSLC HSC
Appeared Passed Percentage% Appeared Passed Percentage%
1 VILUPURAM VILLIMALAI 2013-14 36 36 100% 23 23 100%
2014-15 57 56 98% 44 43 98%
2015-16 48 48 100% 29 27 93%
2016-17 49 40 83% 56 54 96%
2017-18 47 40 85% 45 45 100%
2 SALEM ABINAVAM 2013-14 22 22 100% 29 25 86%
2014-15 48 47 98% 49 48 98%
2015-16 48 48 100% 51 51 100%
2016-17 58 55 95% 62 62 100%
2017-18 75 73 97% 58 58 100%

Administrative Information

S.No State District Block/ Taluka Village/Habitation Name of EMRS Affiliation UDISE code CBSE Affiliation code
10th 12th 10th 12th
1 TamilNadu Villupuram Chinnasalem Vellimalai Govt.Eklavya Model Residential Boys Hr. Sec. School StateBoard StateBoard 33071707701 33071707701 Nil
2 TamilNadu Salem Pethanaickenpaayam Abinavam Govt.Eklavya Model Residential Girls Hr. Sec. School StateBoard StateBoard 33080201302 33080201302 Nil
3 TamilNadu Nilgiri M.Palada Nanjanadu Govt.Eklavya Model Residential Hr. Sec.School StateBoard StateBoard 33110100216 Nil Nil
4 TamilNadu Tiruvannamalai Kalasapakkam Athipet Govt.Eklavya Model Residential Hr. Sec.School StateBoard StateBoard 33061800306 Nil Nil
5 TamilNadu Vellore Tirupattur Athannavor Govt.Eklavya Model Residential Hr. Sec.School StateBoard StateBoard 33042003201 Nil Nil
6 TamilNadu Namakkal Sengarai Sengarai Govt.Eklavya Model Residential Hr. Sec.School StateBoard StateBoard 33090200304 Nil Nil
7 TamilNadu Kanceepuram Tiruporur Pattipulam Govt.Eklavya Model Residential Hr. Sec.School Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
S.No Pages View/Download
1 EMR School - Villupuram Schools Details
2 Eklavya Model Residential Girls Higher Secondary School – Abinavam, Salem District
3 Eklavya Model Residential Higher Secondary School – Pudhur Nadu, Vellore District
4 Eklavya Model Residential Higher Secondary School – Thandrampet, Tiruvannamali District
5 Eklavya Model Residential Higher Secondary School – M.Palada, The Nilgirs District
6 Eklavya Model Residential Higher Secondary School – Sengarai, Namakkal District
7 Eklavya Model Residential Higher Secondary School – Kumizi, Kancheepuram District
8 Contact Details of Public Information Officer for Eklavya Model Residential School
9 Contact Details of Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS)
10 EMRS Students Strength - English
11 EMRS Students Strength - Tamil
12 Result Analysis (2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021)
13 Contacts No of EMR School